Thursday, August 21, 2008

Calgary, Canada

Wednesday 20 August 2008 in Calgary, Canada
Trying to get the hang of Wendy's computer while Ernie and Wendy are out checking an antique store offering. Picked up from Calgary Airport (so many houses with grey roofs!) by Barb's first cousin Wendy and Ernie and taken via Gusto's, a place Ernie knows from having done work there on air extraction systems (I think) and three of us had the corn beef with sauerkraut sandwich. Ernie had the steak even though Wendy was planning steak for dinner. Well the lunch at around 3pm was so filling we just had toasted bacon and tomato sandwiches back at their place for supper.
After eating with Gusto we went to the Union Cemetery to see the new headstone featuring Madge now with her husband Charlie Patterson and son Ian's grave. Then a little tour around the cemtery observing the different styles of acknowledging those that are interred.

Back to Wendy and Ernie's house to find they had to wait while the road gang digging up the road (for tree root problems) could clear a truck to let them in.

Out came Grandmother,Madge Stevens' tin box of treasures - all these momentoes that meant so much to these two cousins.

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