Sunday, August 17, 2008

Going for a Pub Meal in Tonbridge

Saturday 16 August 2008 in London
Alan Mankelow mentioned his hobby of photographing Pubs, before they disappear forever and yes, he does go inside to check things out. We asked if he could recommended a nearby Pub, so that is where Ray, John and Deanna headed for a pint and a meal. We all choose Pan fried Gammon, Ray with pineapple, John & Deanna going for the egg option. Going outside for a cigarette, Deanna got chatting to the Landlord who used to work with Alliance Meats in New Zealand.

John & Deanna then took Ray back to Aelwen and John's and were treated to a night cap, for John the brandy sounded good he said, if he could have it with a coffee chaser. No problem! Gosh it was great that John & Deanna could take time off work to travel up to Gatwick to meet us, do all this travelling around and then head home for an morning shift for John the next day.

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