Saturday 23 August 2008 in Calgary, Canada
Another sunny day but spent mostly inside going over photos and scanning them. We started off with breakfast under the Gazebo with Ernie's suggestion of the day before, of blueberry pancakes and ham. Then Barb and Wendy went through the various photos of their parents' time and Ray managed (without instructions) to work our how to scan with Wendy's new HP Scanner. This took quite some time but we got a lot of David and Heather Patterson's photos done plus those Audrey with Barb when Audrey made her first visit home with her new baby. Next it was some of their Grandfather Charlie Patterson's Scouting certificates and photos – was that a photograph of Baden Powell in that group?
One challenging scan was of the documents supporting Madge's claim for Charlie's Pension and especially this deep red 'Workers Red Permit', which said (in part) 'The person named below has permission to work among the British Troops at' (handwritten – looks like) “Paris”
Name (handwritten) "Patterson, Charles Robert"
Institution (handwritten) "Canadian YMCA"
The typed letter on pink paper said in part; “The widow states she was married to the late Mr. Patterson on 2.7.45.”
That certainly was not their wedding date, so perhaps it was a time fixing date showing that she was married at the time before the 2nd World War ended.
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